How Much Mail Can I Get Every Month?

Your plan level determines how much mail you can receive each month. For example, our Green Plan 30 for 9.99/month plan allows you to receive 30 mail items during your subscription month; at no additional cost. Check out all of our offered plans here

If you get more mail than you signed up for- don't worry- we will still add it to your account. Each piece over the plan maximum is $.35/item. You can always upgrade if needed.

Can I Receive Mail Addressed to Other People?

USPS Requires a USPS form 1583 and 2 proper forms of identification for any name receiving mail to your account. You are allowed up to 5 personal names on your account. Please make sure to send in proper documentations for each person on your account, and then their mail can be received.

Can Someone Else Pick Up Mail in My Place?

Yes. Anyone handling mail in your account requires a notarized Form 1583 and Two forms of ID. We recommend informing your mail center about an alternate person collecting your mail and confirming their guidelines for this arrangement. 

Once you have the notarized form, you can send it with their IDs to This will allow us to notify your mail center and help add the names to the account.

Can I Receive Large Packages?

Yes! We can receive large packages. However, if you plan on receiving mail larger than 100 lbs., it is always helpful to contact your mail center location to make sure they will be able to accommodate a package of that size.

Can I use my iPostal1 mailing address for the DMV?

Our addresses are considered real street addresses and work for the DMV in many states. Some states do have restrictions on DMV registration at commercial addresses, so we recommend reaching out to your local DMV to ask any questions and confirm their address guidelines.

Can I use my iPostal1 Mailing Address to receive Google Pin Codes?

While some customers have successfully registered with companies like Google and D&B, we cannot guarantee that all our addresses will comply with their address requirements for these companies. 

We suggest reviewing Google’s requirements for participating in their Google My Business program. Not all iPostal1 locations accept the Google My Business pin. 

As always, you’re welcome to sign up, and if the account is closed within 30 days of sign-up and hasn’t been used to receive mail or for any other purpose, we can submit a refund request for the iPostal1 subscription.  

I was notified that my package arrived, but I don't see it in my account yet.

If you received a delivery notification from the carrier, I recommend contacting your mail center directly to see if they can expedite uploading the item to your account. 

Many of our mail centers wait until a certain time of day to upload mail items. So, if it was confirmed as delivered, your mail center may not have had the opportunity to upload items for the day. 

To find their contact information in your iPostal1 account, click on Support Center in the Left-Hand Menu Bar, then Contact Us.

Do you automatically open and scan my mail?

All of your mail is kept secure and confidential. We open your letter mail only if you specifically request us to scan the contents. We open packages only when you request us to take a picture of package content, or in order to ensure compliance with international shipping regulations.

When items arrive, you will be notified via email (or push notifications via our free iPostal1 App). 

With our auto-scan feature, letter items received in your mail center are automatically requested for a content scan. However, this does not include boxes and packages. 

What should I do about Junk mail?

If any junk mail that does arrive, and is uploaded to your account, can be discarded for free! 

We also have a service to stop any mail you consider junk. iStopMail is a service that stops junk mail, and customers can subscribe to it. The mobile-based iStopMail App prevents physical junk mail from being sent to your home or workplace. (Not emails) 

Take a photo of your unwanted mail and click “Unsubscribe” to remove yourself from one of our partner’s marketing lists. In just 24 hours, you’ll receive a notification confirming you have been successfully unsubscribed. The app is always available to monitor the progress of your requests. 

Our close collaboration with source companies allows us to assist with unsubscribing you from catalogs, magazines, credit card offers, and more. You can find more information in the Stop Junk Mail Today! section of your iPostal1 account.

What is the turnaround time for shipments?

Shipments are sent based on the carrier and timeline that you choose. We offer all levels of shipping services from regular USPS mail to Overnight Priority form FEDEX and UPS.

Why didn't I get any mail yet?

If you are waiting for mail that hasn't arrived, please reach out to the sender to confirm that they have your correct address. USPS mail is delivered to our locations daily. 

Where is my tracking number for my shipment?

A tracking number may be provided for your shipment, depending on which carrier and service you select. 

To locate a tracking number, Log in to your account, click on your Username dropdown box, and click Transactions to view your invoices. Once you locate the invoice, click View Detail, and the tracking number will be located at the bottom of the details page.

How long does it take for mail to come to my iPostal1 Mailbox?

Mail is delivered daily to all of our address locations. When you tell your contacts about your new address, or change your address with USPS, it may take time for mail to arrive. 

Since mail is uploaded every day, you will get an alert letting you know when your mail has been delivered. 

How to navigate the Inbox Tab

The Inbox Tab shows you all of the outside image(s) of your mail. 

You can sort your mail items in your inbox by Clicking the "Show" drop-down box to view Open Requests, Scanned Items, Letters & Large Envelopes, Packages & Letter Packs, or Stored Items.

You can also sort your mail items by the date received. Click on the "Sort By" drop-down box to choose the earliest or the latest items.

To make a request for your mail to be processed, you can select your mail items and choose from the menu options in the Top Toolbar.

How long does it take for a task to be completed?

Tasks are carried out by the mail center, which is physically located at the address you signed up with. They typically take 24-48 hours to complete, depending on when they were requested. 

For faster task completion, we suggest contacting your mail center directly. Their contact information can be found on the Left-Hand Menu Bar of your account under Support Center>Contact Us.

How do I change my address to my iPostal1 Address?

To change your mail from your home address to your iPostal1 address, please visit We only recommend a TEMPORARY change of address. Any permanent address change can't be reverted if you would ever need to move your mail from iPostal1 to another place. 

Another option is to simply tell your contacts directly that your address has changed. This is what most customers do that want most of their mail still coming to their home address, and want the iPostal1 address to be there for business use.

Does the USPS form 1583 Change my address?

No. The USPS form 1583 does not change your address, it simply gives us permission to handle mail that arrives. You will need to fill out a separate change of address form with USPS to change your address. Again, we only recommend a temporary change of Address

Can I still have mail come to my house if I have an iPostal1 Virtual Address?

Definitely! Your mail can still come to your house. Many customers use the iPostal1 address as an additional address. If you do not fill out a Change of Address form with USPS, your mail coming to your home will not be affected.

How to Forward Mail via USPS After Cancellation

In order to forward your mail via USPS after cancellation, you will have to file Corrections Form 3546 with USPS. Since iPostal1 addresses are Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies (CMRA) locations, a regular change of address cannot be filed.

Video Test - Personal Delivery

How to Create a Shipment

To create a shipment for one item, select the item you want to ship and Click on the Ship Button in the Top Toolbar. 

The Ship option is only available for one item. (If you have multiple items you would like to ship, you can choose Consolidate & Ship, and all the mail will become one item with the correct weight and dimensions.)

Next, select a Shipping Address. If the address you want to ship to is displayed in the center dropdown, Click the Continue Button in the bottom right of the page.

OR, you can add a new address by Clicking on the +Add a New Address Button. Then, fill out the required information and Click on the Add Shipping Address Button when finished. 

Please fill out the required information on the Services page. Then, enter any special instructions at the bottom of the page and Click on the Continue Button when finished.

Next, select your shipping method. The mail will be sent out with the carrier of your choice. Then Click on the Continue Button when finished.

Verify that all your information is correct, and Click Ship when finished.

Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request!

You will receive an email confirmation with the order details and tracking number when it is completed. 

How to Consolidate Mail into 1 package

To consolidate two or more mail items into one package, please select the desired mail items and Click on the Consolidate Button in the Top Toolbar.

Your shipping store will combine all the selected mail items together into one package. When it is ready, you will receive an alert to log back in and choose your desired shipping option with the correct pricing.

Enter special instructions for your mail center in the text box. Then click the Consolidate Button. The cost for consolidation is $1.95 per package. Letters/Postcards are free.

To finish, Click Ok to submit your request. Your Mail Center will receive an alert to process your request and send you an email confirmation when completed. 

Please note: The new consolidated mail item ID will begin with the letter C.

After receiving your confirmation, log into your account and create a shipment for your consolidated mail item.

How to use Consolidate and Ship

Consolidate and Ship is a request to ship all of your mail items in a few easy steps! 

1. Please select all of the mail items you would like to ship together, and choose the Consolidate & Ship Button on the Top Toolbar.

2. Select an Address from the drop down menu. You can also click the Add a New address button, if needed.

3. Select Optional Services or Enter Special Instructions, if needed. 

3. Chose Your Shipping Method and Click the Continue Button

The mail will be sent out with the carrier that you chose. The price will depend on the weight and dimensions of the combined packages/letters. 

4. Please verify that all your information is correct and Click the Ship Button.

5. Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request! Click OK to close the window. 

You will receive an email confirmation when your mail has been shipped. A tracking number will be included in your confirmation order, if you have chosen a service with tracking.

If you would like a quote in advance of shipping, please click here to learn more. 

How to get a Shipping Quote for Multiple Packages

To get a shipping quote for shipping multiple packages together, please select two or more mail items and Click on the Consolidate Button in the Top Toolbar

Your shipping store will combine all the selected mail items into one package. You will receive an alert when it is ready, so you can log back in and choose your desired shipping option with the correct pricing.

Enter special instructions for your mail center in the text box. Then Click the Consolidate Button. The cost for consolidation is $1.95 per package. Letters/Postcards are free.

To finish, Click Ok to submit your request. Your Mail Center will receive an alert to process your request and send you an email confirmation when completed.

Please note: The new consolidated mail item ID will begin with the letter C.

After receiving your confirmation, log into your account and create a shipment for your consolidated mail item.

How to scan the inside contents of your mail

To scan the inside contents of your mail, please select your mail item(s) and click on the SCAN button in the toolbar above. Scans of inside contents are $2.25 for the first 10 pages of each letter. Scan/Shred bundles are available for purchase at a discount in the top right corner of your screen.

Choose an option for what you want to do with the mail after the scan has been completed:

-Scan and Put Back in My Mailbox (Original mail will be saved until you choose to Ship, Pickup, Shred or Discard)

-Scan and Discard (Scan will be saved in your inbox, and original mail will be discarded)

-Scan and Shred (Scan will be saved in your inbox, and original mail will be shredded. Please note that shredding cannot be reversed once it is completed.)

Finally, scroll down and Click on Scan to submit your request!

The status of your mail item will be updated to read Scan Requested in your inbox immediately after you submit your request. 

When your order has been fulfilled, the status will read Scanned!

Your completed scan will be viewable as a PDF in your inbox. You can download your PDF, or forward it as an attachment. 

How to Request a Picture of the Inside Contents of a Package

Box Images is a request to take a picture of the inside of a package. We will take a picture of the inside contents and/or Invoices.

To request a picture of the inside contents of your package, please select the package from your INBOX and then click on the Box Images button above.

Select whether you want an image of the box contents only ($3.95), an image of the enclosed invoice only ($2.95), or an image of both the contents and the invoice ($5.95). Include any special instructions in the text box provided and then click on Request Images below.

Your request has now been sent to your mail center for processing. Click Ok to complete the process and return to your INBOX.

How to Deposit a Check

To start a Check Deposit, Please select the check from inside your inbox. The first step in Check Deposit is to request that the check be scanned. This is for security purposes. 

Once the check is scanned, you will be able to Click on the Check Deposit Button from the Top Toolbar.

Select your bank account information. To learn about how to add your bank account information to your iPostal1 account, please Click HERE.

Choose your preferred shipping method. All Checks will be mailed via a USPS trackable service. You can expect a Shipping cost plus a charge for check processing.

Enter the required check details below including: Bank name on Check, Account number on Check, Amount of Check, and Check Date. 

Lastly, Click on the Deposit Button to complete your order.


How to shred mail items

To shred mail, please select the mail item(s) you wish to shred from your inbox and then Click the Shred Button in the Top Toolbar.

Click Continue.

Please Note: Shredding costs $2.25 per letter (This includes up to 10 pages). Discounted Scan/Shred Bundles can be purchased by Clicking on the underlined link pictured below

To finishClick on Ok to submit your request. 

Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request, and you will receive an email confirmation when it is completed!

Once mail is shredded, it is no longer available to view. If you need to cancel a shredding request, please contact your mail center immediately!

How to discard mail I don't want

We understand that you may receive items in your inbox that you don't need. That's why discarding mail is free!

To discard mail, start by selecting the mail item(s) you wish to discard from your inbox. Then, Click on the Discard Button in the Top Toolbar.

Click Continue to submit your request.

To finish, click Ok to complete the process.

Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request and you will receive an email confirmation when it is completed! 

Important note: Discarding mail is a request to take the mail and place it in the regular trash or recycling. Once mail is discarded the image is erased from our system.

For important mail items, you may want to choose the mail Shredding option instead.

How to Schedule a Pick Up

You can pick up your mail in person at your Mail Center Address by making a Schedule Pick Up request from inside your inbox. Scheduling a pick-up will ensure that your mail will be updated when you arrive (which prevents storage charges).

To Schedule a Pick Up:


  1. Select the mail item(s) from inside your inbox and Click on the Schedule Pick Up Button from the Top Toolbar.
  2. Select an available pick-up date by Clicking on the calendar Date Button.
  3. Proceed to Choose a Time for your scheduled pick-up.
  4. To finish, scroll down and Click the Schedule Button to complete your order!

Note: Even if you schedule your pick-up for a specific time, you can arrive any time during business hours. Your Mail Center will get an alert that you are coming in to pick up your mail. When you arrive, you will be asked to sign for your mail items, and you will be charged the pick-up fee. 


How to cancel my request

To Cancel a Request, 

1. Please Click the Open Requests Button to view all your requests.

2. Click Cancel Request on each item you wish to cancel.

3. Click: Yes or No to continue.

4. Click OK to close the window.

How to add another store location

To add an additional iPostal1 Mailbox location in another store, please Click on the Add New Location Button in the Left Toolbar. 

2. Select your State location.  

3. Choose the City of your new store location.

4. Select the Address that is right for you by Clicking the Choose Button

Each location offers the following plan options: Virtual Mailing Address, Virtual Business Address, and Virtual Office.

5. Choose the Virtual Mailing Address that's right for you! Plan Pricing will be displayed at the bottom of your screen.

6. Choose the Plan that's right for you.

7. To finish, Click on the Add Location Button. Your new mailbox will be purchased with the primary credit card on file.

Go to your mailbox to receive an email confirmation to fill out the new USPS form 1583.

Click Start to begin the 1583 process. 

To view your locations, Click the Select Locations Button on the Left Toolbar.

How to mark mail items as read/unread

To Mark a mail item as Read, please select an item of mail from your inbox and Click on Mark as read located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

To Mark a mail item as Unread, please select an item of mail from your inbox and Click on Mark as unread located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

How to move mail items into a folder

To move a mail item into a new folder, start by selecting an item from your inbox. Then Click on Move to Folder located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

Click on the dropdown menu to view your list of available folders.

Select your desired folder and then Click the Move Button.

The selected mail item has now been successfully moved to its new folder. You can navigate between folders by clicking on the folder name (i.e Inbox or Priority) as they appear on the Left Toolbar.

Where can I view my mail’s expiration date?

Each item in your inbox displays its expiration date under the storage column next to the sender information. We'll also email you notifications three days before the expiration date. 

To avoid storage fees, make sure to submit a request for your items before the storage date. 

Where can I find my Scan/Shred balance?

Your Scan/Shred bundle balance can be found in the top right corner of your account next to your username!

If needed, you can click on Buy Bundles to add to your Scan/Shred balance. Please note, Scan/Shred bundles are non-refundable.

What is Create & Send?

The Create & Send feature on your account allows you to create letters or postcards and have them sent to the valid address of your choice via a third party sender. This feature can be accessed in the Left-Hand side of your account when logged in.

What is the Notarize Documents feature?

The Notarize Documents feature on your account allows you to access to an online notary for your notarization needs!

*This feature CANNOT be used to notarize your 1583 form or any additional recipient's 1583 form*

How can I view my mail history?

To view the history of your mail item(s), please visit Activity Reports on the left-hand side of your account when logged in. Here you can view details such as the item number,  the date the item was received, the date of the last action completed for the item, the status, who the item is from, and the contents.

You may need to f
ilter the date range to include the dates you wish to view.

How can I change iPostal1 Locations?

Change happens and we understand! In order to transfer to a different iPostal1 location, you will need to reach out to iPostal1 customer service. You can reach us directly via email at, via our live chat, or via phone at 845-579-5770.

Also, be sure to empty your Inbox by discarding, shredding, shipping, or picking up any remaining items. We cannot transfer you until your Inbox is empty. 

Please note that you will need to notarize a new Form 1583 provided by your mail center once transferred. 

How to contact iPostal1 or your mail center location

The contact information for iPostal1 and your mail center is located under Support Center>Contact Us. 

The first set of contact information will be for if you would like to contact your mail center directly. This is only available after approval of your required documents.

The second set of contact information will be for if you would like to contact iPostal1 directly. This contact information will always be present whether or not your required documents have been approved.

How to Edit your Password

To edit your password, go to your Inbox and Click on the Account Tab at the top right corner of the screen.

When the dropdown list appears, Click on Account Settings.

Then, Click on the pencil edit icon.

To update the password, fill in the required information about your current password and new password. Finally, click the Reset Password button to change your password!

How to Add a Bank Account for Check Deposit

Important: Bank account information is used only for Check Deposit. We do not accept bank accounts as payments for the monthly subscription. 

To add a new Bank Account, go to your Inbox and Click on the Account Tab at the top right corner of the screen.

When the dropdown list appears, Click on Account Settings.

Next Click on Add Bank in the Check Deposit Setup box.

Then, Please Select a Bank from the drop down menu selection.

To Finish, enter the required information and Click the Add Bank Account button!

How to merge multiple accounts into one username

To merge two accounts (combine two accounts under one username). First, Click the User Icon Button on the Upper Right Corner.

Next, Click Account Settings in the drop down options.

Then, please Click the Merge Accounts in the Account Features Box.

To Finish, please enter the Username and Password of the other account that you would like to merge with this current account. Then, Click on the Merge Accounts Button.

How to Update your Payment Method

To change your payment method from PayPal to credit card or vice versa, click on the ACCOUNT SETTINGS option on the top of your screen. 

Click on the PAYMENT METHOD button on the right side of your screen. 

Select your desired payment type (Credit Card or PayPal) and follow the steps to add the updated information.

How to Edit/Add Shipping Addresses

You can update your primary address or add shipping addresses by clicking Account Settings (profile icon in the upper right corner) and then Shipping Addresses.

How to view your iPostal1 Address

Your Primary iPostal1 Address is displayed on the left side navigation bar.


If you have Multiple Account Addresses, you can view all of your account Addresses by selecting Mailbox Settings on the the left Tool Bar. 

Scroll down to view your Account Addresses

How to upgrade/dowgrade your plan

To Upgrade your plan, Click the Mailbox Settings in the Left Toolbar.

Then click the Change Plan button.

Scroll down to see all your options and Click on the Plan that's right for you.

To finish, review your plan and Click the Place Order button. Your primary credit card on file will be charged the updated rate for your new subscription.

How to cancel an account subscription

To cancel your account, first Click on Mailbox Settings in the Left Toolbar.

Then, scroll down to the bottom of the Mailbox Setting box and Click the Cancel Mailbox button.

Before canceling your mailbox, please empty your inbox by recycling, forwarding, or shredding items you do not want. Also, please ensure you have made copies of all uploaded documents, as they will be deleted when your account is canceled. 

After your mailbox is empty, come back to this page, and the Cancel Mailbox button will be active. 

To finalize the cancellation of your iPostal1 Digital Mailbox, Click Ok. You will then receive an email confirmation that your account has been canceled. You will no longer be charged for your subscription. You have 90 days to re-activate your account if you would still need the same mailbox number. 

Of course, if you ever need a Digital Mailbox in the future, we will be happy to service your account again!

We will miss you!

How to Enable Auto-Scan Documents on the Desktop

The Autoscan feature will automatically scan all mail items received in your Inbox upon arrival. Important Note: The charge for scanning the inside contents of mail will apply when this feature is enabled. Please see our Scanning Prices and Bundles for more information.

To enable the Autoscan feature, Click on Mailbox Settings in the Left Toolbar.

Then, scroll down the bottom of the NOTIFICATIONS box. Next, click the toggle from "Off" to "On". This will enable the Auto-Scan feature. 

Autoscan is now enabled. Click Ok to complete the process.

How to Enable Automatic Shipping (Autoship) on Desktop

The Autoship feature allows you to set the frequency with which all your mail items are automatically shipped to your shipping address on record. Please Note: Shipping rates will apply.

To enable the Autoship feature, please Click on Mailbox Settings in the Left Toolbar.

Note: The default setting is "No Autoship".

To choose an Autoship frequency, please Click on the dropdown menu located under Autoship Options and make your selection (Weekly/Every Two Weeks/Monthly).

Then, Click on Ok.

Next, scroll down to the AUTOSHIP OPTIONS box and Click on the dropdown menus below to select your desired International/Domestic Carrier settings.

Note: You will need to make a selection for both International and Domestic, even if you are only shipping domestic.

To complete the process, please select the day of the week you would like your items shipped and whether or not you would like to be notified each time a shipment is prepared.

Scan/Shred Bundles

To save money on the cost of scanning the inside contents of your mail- Buy a scanning bundle! 

1 scan is $2.25. As you can been below, the savings start from bundles of 5.

You can purchase these bundles directly from your iPostal1 app or online mailbox with just a tap or a click. Scan and shred requests are per envelope and include up to 10 pages. There is no time limit on use of the scans or shreds you have purchased. However, if you cancel your service before using them all, any balance of unused scans or shreds will be non-refundable.

To purchase a bundle, please click on the Buy Bundles button on the bottom of the Notifications box located on the Mailbox Settings page. 

Next, Select your desired bundle and click Continue.

Finally, select your payment option and click Buy Bundles.

How to Enable Notifications

To receive mail item notifications via email, first click on Mailbox Settings on the left side of your page.

Next, Scroll down to the NOTIFICATIONS box. Set the On/Off slider to On, and select your desired notification frequency from the dropdown menu below.

Where can I find my plan's renewal date?

To find when your plan is set to auto renew, please visit Mailbox Settings >  General Settings > Subscription Renews On:

Where can I view my required document status?

To check on the status of your required documents, please visit Mailbox Settings > General Settings and scroll down to document status. Here you can see if your documents are pending or approved!

Can I pause my iPostal1 Subscription?

The On Hold feature allows approved accounts to place their mailbox on hold for a duration of three, six, or twelve months for a one-time fee. 

This feature applies to customers who have been active for three or more months and have yet to come off a hold within the last three months. You will retain the mailbox number and address throughout the hold period without needing to notarize a new Form 1583 to reopen the account.

To place an account On Hold, empty your Inbox by discarding, shipping, or scheduling a Pick Up for your mail items, and pay any outstanding balance; otherwise, the hold feature will not be available. 

Log in and click the Mailbox Settings in the Left-Hand Menu Bar, then click Cancel Mailbox. Choose from the three options of 3 Months, 6 Months, or 12 Months by clicking the Select Button. Choose your payment method and click the Confirm Button. 

How to Navigate the Task Toolbar Menu in the iPostal1 App

The Task Toolbar is located inside your INBOX menu on the App and enables customers to make requests such as: Ship, Scan, Consolidate, Schedule Pick Up, Cancel Requests, and Discard. 

To access your Task Toolbar, 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the green icon next to your selected mail item. 

Or Press on the Mail Item and tap on the Task Toolbar in the upper right corner. 

How to View Mail in the iPostal1 App Inbox

To see your mail in the iPostal1 App, 

1. Log on to your iPostal1 Account. 

2. Scroll through your mail items in your INBOX.

3. Tap on any item for more details or tap on the green icon to make specific requests for that item. 

How to Check your Mail History in the iPostal1 App

To view your mail history in the iPostal1 App,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner.

3. Press Mail History.

How to view Service and Pricing Options in the iPostal1 App

To check services and pricing options in the iPostal1 App, 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in t

3. Tap Pricing

he top left corner.

4. Check out our available services and pricing options. 

How to View a Scanned Document in the iPostal1 App

To view scanned documents in the iPostal1 App, 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on your Scanned Mail item. 

3. Press on the Scanned image. 

How to Add Folders in the iPostal1 App

Adding folders to your INBOX is a great way to keep your mail items organized! 

To Add folders in the iPostal1 Mobile App, 

 1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the the INBOX Menu in the top center of your screen. 

3. Press Add Folders

4. Enter the name of your new folder and Press Add

5. Press on the Inbox Menu to view your new folder.

To learn how to move mail items into different folders, click HERE. 

Where Do I Pickup My Mail Using the iPostal1 App?

We recommend that you log into the iPostal1 app and tap the button to schedule a pickup. You can pick up mail (during business hours) at the address location that you chose as your Address. Some locations charge a small fee for picking up letters and/or packages.

To schedule a pickup on the Ipostal1 App:

1. Log into your account in the Ipostal1 App.

2. Select the Items(s) of mail by tapping on the green icons to the left of the shipping number. Then press Schedule Pick Up in the Inbox Menu. 

3. Choose an available date and time. 

4. Hit Send request to complete your order. 

Note: Even if you schedule your pick-up for a specific time, you can arrive any time during business hours. Your Mail Center will get an alert that you are coming in to pick up your mail. When you arrive, you will be asked to sign for your mail items, and you will be charged the pick-up fee. 

▶️ Video Test - Personal Delivery

How to Add Another Location Address to your Account in the iPostal1 App

To add another Virtual Mailbox account to your username,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner.

3. Press Add Location.

4. Select the designated State and press Next located in the bottom right corner.

5. Select the designated store and press Create located in the bottom right corner.

How to Enable Auto-Scan in the iPostal1 App

The Auto-Scan feature will automatically scan all mail items inside of your INBOX upon arrival. Important Note: The charge for scanning the inside contents of mail will apply when this feature is enabled. Please see our Scanning Prices and Bundles to learn more information. 

To turn on Auto-Scan on the iPostal1 App,

1. 1. Log on to your iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu Button in the top left corner.

3.Press on Account Settings.

4. Press on Mail Configuration.

5. Tap on the Auto-Scan Documents Switch. 

6. Press Done.

How to set up Automatic Shipping in the iPostal1 App

The Shipping Frequency feature allows you to set the frequency to ship your mail items.  

To set your Shipping Frequency on the iPostal1 App,

1. Log on to your iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu Button in the top left corner.

3.Press on Account Settings.

4. Press on Mail Configuration.

5. Select your Shipping Frequency (Options include: upon requests, weekly, every two weeks, monthly).

When you click UPON REQUEST- you will need to login each time you want to create a shipment. 

You can also set your account to Ship Weekly, Every 2 Weeks or Monthly. 

6. Choose Domestic Shipping Level.

7. Press Done.

*You can log back into your account to change your shipping settings at any time. 

How to Locate your iPostal1 Mailing Address in iPostal1 App

You can view your current Address in the iPostal1 App!

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner. 

3.Press on Account Settings.

4.Press on My Address

How to Add Contacts in the iPostal1 App

To add new contacts in the iPostal1 App, 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner.

3. Press Contacts.

4. Press Add New Contacts located on the bottom left of your screen.

5. Fill out the contact information and press Done located on the bottom right of your screen when you are finished.

How to Update your Credit Card Information in the iPostal1 App

To update or edit your Credit Card information in the iPostal1 App, 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner.

3. Press on Account Settings. 

4. Tap on Update Credit Cards.

How to add a Bank Account for Check Deposit in the iPostal1 App

To add a new Bank Account for Check Deposit in the iPostal1 App (Note: Bank accounts are for Check Deposit requests only),

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner. 

3. Press on Account Settings.

4. Press on Banks.

5. Press on  Add New Bank Account on the bottom left corner.

6. Fill out the required information and press Done in the bottom right corner when you are finished. 

How to Set the language for your iPostal1 App

The iPostal1 App comes in 5 languages!

1. If you want to view or change your language options, log into your account in the Ipostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner. 

3. Press on Account Settings.

4. Press Set Language.

5. Select your desired language and press Change in the bottom right corner. 

How to Change your Password in the iPostal1 App

To change your password in the iPostal1 App: 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner. 

3. Press on Account Settings.

4. Press on Change Password.

5. Enter the required information and press Change in the bottom right corner when you are finished!

How to Cancel Your Account in the iPostal1 App

To cancel an account or to unsubscribe in the iPostal1 App,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner. 

3. Press on Account Settings.

4. Tap Delete Location.

5. The system will ask you to confirm that this is what you would like to do. 

Once you Delete your location, your account will be cancelled completely. If you cancel your account by mistake, please let us know

How to Log Out of the Postal1 App

To log out of your iPostal1 Account,

1. Press on the Menu button in the top left corner.

2.  Press on Account Settings.

3. Tap Log out.

How to Ship Mail using the iPostal1 App

Shipping mail in the iPostal1 App is as easy as sending a text!

If you have 1 item, you can select the mail item, and click on SHIP.

If you have more than 1 item, you will need to CONSOLIDATE the mail first, in order for Shipping Options to show. (If you want to send many items together in 1 step, you can login to the Desktop and choose: Consolidate and Ship.

Here are the steps to start a shipment:

1) a. Select the mail item that you wish to ship by pressing on the green icons to left of your screen. A menu should appear immediately on the right side of your screen. Then, press Ship.


b. You can also click on the image of the mail item to view the menu option:

2. Select the Address where you wish to ship the item to and and tap Next.


4. Enter any special Instructions and tap Next when ready.

5. Choose your Shipping method and hit Next

6. Verify that your information is accurate and press Send Request to complete your order. 

Your mail center has received your request and will send the shipment out within the next business day. 

Additionally, the status in your Inbox will be updated to Ship Requested

After our Mail Center has processed your request, the item will disappear from your INBOX. You can confirm that the request was completed by checking your Mail History

How to Scan mail items in the iPostal1 App

To scan a mail item in your iPostal1 App,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the Items(s) of mail that you wish to scan by tapping on the green icon that is to the left of the shipping number. Then press Scan in the Inbox Menu.

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner. 

3. Select a scan option and press Send Request located in the bottom right corner when you are finished!

4. The status of your mail item will now read Scan Requested. After our Mail Center has processed your order, the status will be updated to Scanned

A. Scan Requested

B. Scanned 

To View the scanned item, tap on the mail item in your INBOX and then tap on the image. 

How to Consolidate to get a Shipping Quote in the iPostal1 App

To Consolidate items in your Inbox in the iPostal1 App, so that you can receive a quote for shipping:

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the Items of mail that you wish to consolidate by tapping on the green icon to the left of the shipping number. Then press Consolidate in the Inbox Menu.

3. Confirm your order and hit Send Request to complete the process. 

4. A new mail will immediately appear in your INBOX with the status Consolidate Requested. After our Mail Center has processed your order, the status will be updated to Consolidated.  

A. Consolidate Requested 

B. Consolidated 

Both mail items will now appear together in 1 new package!

The mail item will begin with the letter C. 

Learn how to Ship your consolidated mail by clicking HERE

How to Schedule a Pick Up in the iPostal1 App

To schedule a pickup in the iPostal1 App,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the Items(s) of mail by tapping on the green icons to the left of the shipping number. Then press Schedule Pick Up in the Inbox Menu. 

3. Choose an available date and time. 

4. Hit Send request to complete your order. 

Your Mail is now ready to be picked up at your Mail Center Address!

Please note that the pickup fee will be applied to your account when you pickup the mail. 

How to Cancel a Request in the iPostal1 App

To cancel a request in the iPostal1 Mobile App, 

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the Items(s) of mail and press on the green icon on the left side of your screen.

3. Press Cancel Request.

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner. 

How to Discard Mail Items in the iPostal1 App

To discard a mail item in the iPostal1 Mobile App,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the Items(s) of mail that you wish to discard and then press on the green icon on the left side of your screen.

3. Press Discard.

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner. 

The mail item(s) will be immediately removed from INBOX.

How to Request an Image of Box Contents in the iPostal1 App

Box Images is a request to take pictures of the inside of a package. We will take a picture of the inside contents and/or Invoices. The cost of this service is $3.95. 

To request a picture of the insides of your package on the iPostal1 Mobile App, 

 1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the designated package and press the green icon on left side of your screen. 

3. Press Box Images

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner.

4. Select whether you want to Box Images only, Invoice images only, or Both!

5. Press Send Request to complete the process! 

7. Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request! Once the request is completed, you will be able to view the images from inside of your iPostal1 App. 

How to Return a Mail Item to Sender in the iPostal1 App

The Return to Sender Option is a request to send back mail items to its original sender. This is not a shipping request and is only available for letters.

To Request a Return to Sender on the iPostal1 Mobile App, 

 1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the designated letter that you wish to return and press the green icon on  left side of your screen. 

3. Press Return

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner.

4. Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request!

The status below your mail item will be updated to Return Item Requested.  

You will receive an email confirmation when your mail has been returned. The mail will be returned to the USPS Mail Carrier, and will be sent back to the sender on the return address of the envelope. Once the mail is returned to sender, it cannot be re-directed.

The mail item will disappear from your INBOX.

How to Organize Mail into Folders in the iPostal1 App

Moving mail items into different folders allows you to organize your INBOX in the way you see fit. 

To Move items between folders on the iPostal1 Mobile App,

 1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the designated mail item and press the green icon on left side of your screen.

3. Press Move To.

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner. 

4. Select the designated folder and Press Move

5.The Mail Item can now be found in your new folder. 

You can toggle between folders by pressing on the Inbox Menu in the top center of your screen. 

To learn how to create new folders, click HERE

How to Shred Mail Items in the iPostal1 App

Shredding mail items starts at $2.25 per letter (includes up to 10 pages). Discounted Scan/Shred Bundles are available for purchase inside your inbox.  

To shred a mail item in the iPostal1 Mobile App,

1. Log into your account in the iPostal1 App.

2. Select the mail item(s) that you wish to shred and the Press on the green icon on the left side of your screen.

3.  Press Shred.

OR you can press on the mail item itself and then press on the Taskbar Menu in the top right corner.

4. Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request!

The status below your mail item will be updated to Shred Requested

You will receive an email confirmation when your mail has been shredded.

The mail item will disappear from your INBOX.

What is a 1583 Form and why on earth do I need one?

The USPS Form 1583 is a 'Permission Slip' that you sign to allow your mail to be processed by a third party address. Most people who sign up are new to the concept. We are happy to explain why you need one for your online mailbox!

We provide you with a pre-filled form 1583 inside of your account and easy access to an online notary!

Providing your IDs, notary and signature verify that you are the one who authorizes mail to come to your account. 

Your mailbox location is classified by USPS as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and reports to the local Post Office. According to USPS law, in order for your Address Location to legally process mail on your behalf, the Form 1583 is required to be on file in the address location that you selected. They also will be submitting a copy to the local Post Office. 

Form 1583 must be properly signed by the mailbox renter and notarized using our online notary partner,, unless your mail address location offers notary services. Only after the CMRA has a properly reviewed the Form 1583 with two valid forms of ID, will you be able to access and request tasks for your mail.

Once we get your permission, your mail can start the journey to your iPostal1 Mailbox!

Which ID's can I provide for the USPS Form 1583?

Two forms of identification are required, a Primary and a Secondary ID. The Primary ID must have a clear photograph of the mail recipient.

Acceptable Primary ID‘s include: valid state-issued driver‘s license, non-driver’s identification card, U.S. Armed Forces card, Uniformed Service ID card, U.S. permanent resident or other identification issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. certificate of citizenship or naturalization, Identification card issued by a federally or state-recognized tribal nation (tribal identification card), U.S. passport, U.S. passport card, foreign passport, corporate identification card of a corporation located and organized in good standing in the U.S., university identification card, Matricula Consular card (Mexico), NEXUS card (Canada).

Acceptable Secondary ID’s include current lease, mortgage or deed of trust, voter or vehicle registration card, a home or vehicle insurance policy, or a Form I-94 Arrival and Departure record.

Unacceptable ID‘s include: Social Security cards, credit cards, utility bills, and birth certificates.

Please note, international customers must use their passport as their photo ID. We accept the international equivalent of the Secondary IDs listed.

How many business names can I list?

You can only have one business name per account. If you have a second business, you can easily create a second account by clicking on the Add a Location button from your first digital mailbox account. You can even add a second mailbox at the same address.

Why is my 1583 not approved yet?

The USPS Form 1583 is reviewed to make sure it complies with the Post Office requirements before being accepted. Please allow a day or two for the 1583 form to be approved. If you have any questions about a form that was submitted, please contact your mail center directly. You will find their contact information in the Contact Us Section of your Inbox. 

Where do I add my business name on the USPS form 1583?

If you wrote a Company Name when you signed up for your mailbox, our system will automatically place your business name in box 7 on the USPS form 1583. Box 7 is the correct box for your business name. 

Can I use the same 1583 form for multiple locations?

No. You must file a new 1583 form for each mailbox location you open. If you use our convenient online notary service, the first notarization costs $25, but other notarizations completed in the same session cost just $5.00. They will even upload the Form 1583 and ID’s directly to all of your addresses, a great time saver.

If I am using my mailbox for business only, do I need my personal name on the 1583?

USPS requires every business mailbox to have a personal name attached to the account for verification purposes. Even if all of your mail will only have the business name on it, your personal name, signature and IDs need to be on file. 

The business name will be listed in box 7. Mail can arrive addressed to the business name without your personal name.

We will not share your personal information with anyone. USPS requires that information to be on file, in order for us to legally receive mail for your account.

How will I know when my USPS Form 1583 is approved?

You will receive an email from our Mail Center notifying you that your USPS Form 1583 has been approved. Additionally, the yellow box inside your account, containing Form 1583 Instructions, will disappear from your screen. 

Step by Step Instructions for your USPS Form 1583

To begin, please click "Edit Form 1583 Information" in the notification box located on your account home page.

Step 1 - Mail Recipients for this Account

Enter the legal name of the primary mail recipient. The name should match the name that appears on your government-issued ID.

If this is a business account that will receive mail for a company, please select "Yes". You will be asked to enter your business information when you reach Step 3.

If this is not a business account and you would like to add additional recipients, please select "Yes".

Enter the full legal name and last name of your spouse/significant other. You may also enter the full legal names (first and last required) of up to three minor children. Please note, if a spouse is added on this step, both the primary recipient and their spouse will need to generate a Form 1583, provide ID's, and notarize their respective documents.

Note: If you wish to add an additional mail recipient that is not a spouse/significant other or minor child, you will need to have that additional recipient fill out and notarize their own Form 1583.

Step 2 - Your Address - As listed on your government-issued ID

Enter your home address as it appears on your Address ID document. You will also be asked whether you'd like to hide your email address on the form, if you have a U.S. Social Security Number, and if you will be shipping items outside of the U.S.

Step 3 - Your Business Information

Firstselect whether this is a registered business.

Then, enter the requested business information below.

Step 4 - Mail Recipient Identification Documents

Select the type of Photo ID that you will be providing your mail center. The Photo ID should be a valid, government-issued photo ID from the list of approved ID's.

Then, select the type of Address ID that you will be providing your mail center. Address ID's must verify the home address you listed in Step 2 and be on the list of approved ID's.

Step 5 - Review

Please Verify that all the information listed on this page is correct.

Step 6 - Notarize 1583

Option 1 - Online Notary:, our online notary partner, is standing by for immediate processing. This option requires a webcam or smartphone. The cost for using is $25. Your notarized form and ID's will be automatically uploaded to your account with the online notary option. Please click on Continue with Online Notary to proceed.

Option 2 - Mail Center Location: Some of our mail centers offer Notary services in house. If your location does, you can notarize your form 1583 that way. If not, then you will have to notarize your 1583 through our Online otary partner.

Please Note: If you are signing up from an International address and/or if you would like to ship items outside of the U.S., you are required to submit your USPS form 1583 using the Online Notary.

How to add an additional person to my mailbox

You may add up to 5 additional names with a personal mailbox for a total of 6 recipients. Each additional recipient will require their own notarized Form 1583 and will need to submit 2 valid forms of ID. Please make sure to list any minor children who are being added to your account in box 12 of Form 1583.

For business use, you may have a total of 1 business name and 5 personal names associated with one account. Each additional business name or DBA requires its own separate account.

How does my additional recipient notarize online?

Please reach out to iPostal1 directly via email, chat, or phone and we can provide you with a blank 1583 form and separate link for your additional recipient. 

Alternatively, if you and your additional recipient have already filled out the form but both still need to notarize, we can provide you with a link that that includes both pre-filled forms for one notary session!

Once my form is Notarized, what should I do next?

We make it easy for you to submit your information. 

Please find the steps to submit your Notarized form and ID by clicking HERE.

Do I have to get the Form 1583 notarized?

Yes. The USPS instituted this requirement to ensure that the person signing up for a mailbox is truly that person, and not someone using another identity or creating a fake identity. Therefore, the USPS requires notarization to confirm your identity, unless you sign the form in person at your mail center location, where the staff can view your ID’s and verify your identity. 

To notarize your form, you can use our online notary service, or visit your Mail Center if they offer Notary services.

What is the cost of the online notary service?

The online notary service with iPostal1 is $25.00 for one notarization, whether you reside in the U.S. or in another country. 

If you have signed up for more than one iPostal1 address, the cost for additional notarizations completed during the same online session is as follows:

  • Only $5.00 each for notarization 2 through 11
  • No charge for notarization 12 and beyond

Please note: Customers living outside of the U.S. who sign up for a U.S. mailing address are required to use our online notary service.

What happens if I don’t complete the 1583?

When you set up and pay for your address, subscription charges begin—as the address is immediately available for your online business subscriptions and website needs. Therefore, your new account renews monthly unless you cancel. 

Some customers choose not to complete Form 1583 as part of our flexible service, indicating their preference not to receive physical mail. The address primarily boosts their online presence and streamlines subscription services. However, your mail center still holds this address for you, even without the notarized Form 1583 and IDs.  

Please note that accounts that do not complete Form 1583 and submit their IDs can only receive mail at their location once approved. Any mail received prior to documentation approval is returned to sender.

How long does approval take?

Approval takes 1-3 business days from when your documents are submitted. If additional documentation is needed, you will be notified via email.

To expedite approval, we recommend reaching out to your mail center directly. Your store contact information is located under Support Center>Contact Us. 

Where can I find my 1583 for notarization?

Your pre-filled 1583 will be available for online notarization after going through the 1583 assistant on your account! When you get to the end of the assistant, you will be able to request an online notary link which will send your pre-filled 1583 to for you!

How can I add minors to my 1583?

Minors can be added to your 1583 via the 1583 assistant on your account! Since minors are not of age and do not have IDs, there are not required to file their own 1583. Their name(s) will appear on line 12 of your 1583.

How can I edit my 1583 after requesting notarization?

If you want to make changes to your Form 1583 after requesting online notarization, simply log in and click Learn More in the yellow information bar at the top of your account. After this is selected, a pop up will appear with the option Cancel Notarization Request

Once the notarization request is canceled, you can access the 1583 Assistant again and make any necessary changes. Then, when you reach the end of the guide, you can request a new notarization link or print your Form 1583 if needed.

Can I notarize for someone else or can someone notarize for me?

For security purposes, notarization must be done by the individual who is providing their documents. You must notarize for yourself and additional recipients must notarize for themselves via's video notary session. This ensures that no one is using your information or IDs to open an account with iPostal1.

Can I use the same email for all accounts?

Yes! Your account will be setup with one username and you may use the same e-mail for all accounts. 

Multiple Accounts Billing

With multiple accounts, there is 1 primary credit card on file that is billed for all of the transactions. 

Your payment is due for each account on the day that you sign up. 

How to view all of my accounts

Simple! Go to your inbox and Click on Select Locations in the Left Toolbar.

The locations will be displayed. Scroll down and select one by Clicking on the location you wish to open.

*Accounts that have more than 15 locations have a search bar menu option instead of a drop-down menu.

How to add an additional location

To add an additional iPostal1 mailbox location in another store, please Click on the Add New Location Button in the Left Toolbar.

2. Select your State.  

3. Choose the City of your new store location.

4. Select the Address that is right for you! Each location offers the following plan options: Virtual Mailing Address, Virtual Business Address, and Virtual Office.

5. Choose the Virtual Mailing Address that's right for you! Plan Pricing will be displayed at the bottom of your screen.

6. Choose the Plan that's right for you.

7. To Finish, Click Add Location. Your new mailbox will be purchased with the primary credit card on file.

Go to your mailbox to receive an email confirmation to fill out the new USPS form 1583.

You will now be able to toggle between your locations by Clicking on the Select Locations Button in the Left Toolbar.

How to submit my USPS form 1583 for multiple accounts

Because the accounts are located in different addresses, USPS requires each account to have a separate USPS form 1583. 

You will find the USPS form 1583 by logging in to each account.

To make it easy and affordable, our online notary partner provides a discount for notarizing multiple forms at once. 

The first form is $25 and the subsequent forms are $5 each, if they are notarized in the same session. 

Once you get your forms done, you are good to go!

Can I use the iPostal1 App for multiple accounts?


Login to your iPostal1 App using your username and password. 

You can choose which account to view by tapping on the Change Location Button on the top right of the main menu. 

How to find out more information about my mail or my pending shipment

Each account address receives the mail that arrives at that designated location. If you have specific questions about your mail or packages, reaching out to the mail center operator would be your best bet!

You can find the store contact information by first Clicking on Support Center on the Left Toolbar to expand the menu of options.

Next, Click on Contact Us

On the Contact Us page, you can find your mail center Contact Information (Phone Number, Email, etc...).

How to Merge Separate accounts into 1 Login

To merge 2 accounts (combine 2 accounts under one Username), first click on the Mailbox Settings button on the left side.

Next, please click on the underlined link ("Click Here") next to Account Settings on the top of the page.

Click on Merge Accounts in the Account Features box on the right side.

Please enter the Username and Password of the other account that you would like to merge with this current account. Then, click on Merge Accounts below to merge the 2 accounts.

How can I add an additional email address?

An additional email address for notifications can be added in Mailbox Settings > Notifications.

Where can I see additional recipients listed on my account?

To view all approved recipients, please go to Mailbox Settings > General Settings > Mailbox Address. In this section you can see all names associated with your account.

Can we have multiple Logins for each user?

iPostal1 accounts only have one set of login credentials. In order for other recipients to login to the iPostal1 account, you must share your login credentials for the account.

How to Login

To login to your account from a computer, visit


Then, enter your Username or Email address followed by your Password and Click on the Login button.

To login using the iPostal1 app , please open the app on your smartphone and the login page will appear. Then use the same login credentials as you would from a computer.

Should I Login Using my App or Desktop?

Good question! You can use both to manage your mail. Many clients love managing their mail from the convenience of their smartphone! However, It is necessary to login to your computer when initially setting up the account to submit the USPS form 1583.


You can only make changes to your account and credit card information through the computer Admin Portal.

How to Change my Password

To change your password, Click the Forgot Password button on the login screen.

Enter your Username/Email address and then Click the Submit Button. You will receive an email with a link that will allow you to enter a new password.

Alternatively, click on the Account Tab in the top right corner of your inbox to open a drop-down menu.

Next, click on Account Settings.

Then, click on the the pencil edit icon in the Password box.

To finish, input your Current Password followed by your New Password (two times) and click the

Reset Password button.

Test Article

Accordion item

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Accordion item
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Accordion item
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Test Video

How to change your email, username, or phone number

Changing your email, username, or phone number would require that you reach out to iPostal1 customer service.

We can be reached via email at, live chat, or phone at 845-579-5770.

Forgot Password

If you forget your password, you can have a reset password link sent to the email on file. On the login page, click Forgot Password? 

If you are having trouble resetting your password, please reach out to iPostal1 Customer Support via email at, our live chat, or phone at 845-579-5770.

How to Log Out

To log out of your iPostal1 account, please click on the icon next to your username:

A dropdown menu will appear with the option to Log out and once clicked, you will be immediately logged out of your account.

How do I pay my Subscription?

Your subscription payment is automatically billed using the primary credit card on file. 

What Day is my Subscription Due?

Your subscription payment is due on the day of the month that you signed up. 

You can find your renewal date in Mailbox Settings>General Settings.

What Forms of Payment do you take?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal accounts for payment.

Why is my plan more than $9.99?

Our Standard Location Green Plan price is $9.99.

Plan pricing varies by Standard, Select, Premium, or Prestige mailbox location. 

Also- some states due charge tax for mailbox rental. If your account is in an area that charges tax, you may notice tax was charged, as well. 


If I am Behind on Payments, How do I Pay?

If you owe a balance, you will see it when you login to your online account. 

You can click the, Continue to Payment button to make a payment.

You will see your current payment method. Click Pay Outstanding Balance to pay. 

Yearly Plans

Yearly plans renew only once a year. By subscribing annually, you’ll pay for ten months and get two months free! This discount is included in the price you pay. 

For example, our Green Plan 30 starts at $9.99 a month or $99 a year. $9.99x12 is $119.98, meaning our $99 annual subscription plan saves you two months on subscription fees!

My Credit Card is Not Going Through- What Should I Do?

Our system automatically runs each card in real-time when you input it. If it is not working in the system, please try another card or use Paypal. 

Reopening an Old Account

You can renew an old account by logging in and making a payment for months passed. If the account is too old to reactivate, you will be prompted to enter your payment information and add an active mailbox.

If your account no longer has login access, please send us an email at: and we will do our best to assist you. 

Paypal Payment Overview

Paying with Paypal is a convenient and secure way to make payments for your online mailbox. Your Paypal information will be requested during checkout. Your first payment will include the subscription and $25 toward your Paypal Bank Balance. 

Paypal Minimum Balance

Your Paypal Account requires a minimum $20 balance. When your account falls below $20, your account will renew for $20. 

The Paypal Terms of Agreement before sign up requires all customers to agree to the minimum balance requirement. 

Why did I get an alert that I need to add funds to my Paypal account?

If your mail center is completing a task and your account balance is not enough to cover the cost of the task, you may receive an alert with a link to add funds to your PayPal account.  

How to change my PayPal Account

To change or remove your PayPal account, please send an email to and the support team will assist you with the process. You can also reach the support team via phone at 845-579-5770 or our live chat.

I cancelled my account, when will I be refunded for my Paypal Balance?

When you cancel your iPostal1 Mailbox, the remainder of the Paypal Balance will be returned to your Paypal Account with 5-7 business days.

How often do I get charged for storage?

Mail items that arrive to your inbox can remain in your account as follows:

Letters: 30 FREE days followed by $1.10/letter every 30 days.

Small Packages: 10 FREE days followed by $1.10/lb every 10 days.

Large Packages: 5 FREE days followed by $1.10/lb every 5 days.

The parameters for mail storage are listed below, and in the pricing section of the iPostal1 Website.

To help you keep tabs on your inbox- we always send you an alert 3 days in advance before a mail item expires, so that you have time to take action by: shipping, picking up, discarding or shredding.

I picked up my mail, why did I get storage fees?

To prevent storage fees, please schedule a pickup in advance of picking up your mail. 

If the mail items weren't updated when you picked up the mail, and it is still showing in your inbox, your account will still be generating storage fees.

If you would like to request a retroactive storage refund, please send an email All storage refunds need to be approved by your mail center. 

When was I informed of storage fees?

We like to keep customers posted about how their mail is doing! You receive an email alert about storage fees 3 days in advance of the expiration of any mail item.  We figure that if you get an alert a few days in advance, you have enough time to decide if you want to keep the mail or make a request. 

Understanding Package Storage

Package storage is based on weight AND dimensions.

The storage fee structure for packages is below. 

If your storage fee was higher than the weight, it can be due to the dimensional weight. Packages are charged based on the dimensional weight due to how much space the package is taking up at the address location. (What is heavier? 1lb of feathers or 1lb of gold? Which has more dimensional weight? The feathers, of course- because they take up more space :)

Why was I charged for mail storage?

Mail storage fees are charged based on the size and weight of your mail items. 

Letters have 30 days of free storage. 

After a month, the letter cost for storage is 1.10/letter. 

Package storage rates are below:

We send storage fee reminders 3 days before any piece of mail expires. We want our customers to be informed of any upcoming fees.

If you have picked up your mail and received a storage fee, please login to your account to schedule a pickup for your mail. 

Pickup Payments

Pickup Payments are due on the date of pickup and are charged to the credit card on file for your account.

Pickup fees will be listed under each address location when you select the blue "Click for more details" button. 

Shipping Payments

We offer comprehensive shipping services from all major carriers: USPS, FEDEX and UPS. 

When you login to your account and choose to Ship your mail, you will be able to select from the levels of service and pricing that fits your needs. 

You can overnight your mail or send it by snail mail (our iPostal1 snail will bring it to your destination as fast as he can!)

The Shipping price will be based on the weight and dimensions of the package. 

If you are going to be shipping multiple items of various sizes together, we recommend you use the CONSOLIDATE feature to get a quote for shipping.

Free/Included Services

Your inbox has many features that are automatically included at no additional cost!

Scanning/Shredding Pricing

To save money on the cost of scanning the inside contents of your mail- Buy a scanning bundle! 

1 scan is $2.25. As you can been below, the savings start from bundles of 5.

You can purchase these bundles directly from your iPostal1 app or online mailbox with just a tap or a click. Scan and shred requests are per envelope and include up to 10 pages. There is no time limit on use of the scans or shreds you have purchased. However, if you cancel your service before using them all, any balance of unused scans or shreds will be non-refundable.

Check Deposit Pricing

Check deposit is a great feature that can be used to conveniently deposit checks from your iPostal1 Mailbox directly to your bank account. Cha-ching!

For maximum security, we offer check deposit by mail. 

When you see a check arrive in your inbox, the first step is to Request a Scan of the inside. 

When you get an alert that the check is scanned, please click on the ACTIONS menu and choose Check Deposit. Follow the prompts to input your bank and account information. 

The cost for check deposit is: $4.95, plus the cost of trackable USPS Shipping (on average $11-15)

You may deposit up to 5 checks per deposit. 

Virtual Office Plans Billing for Phone and Fax

Your Virtual Office Phone and Fax plan are a great addition to your business. 

Conference Room Rental

If your your account is located in an Office Building with conference room rental availability.

Please contact your specific store for more information about conference room rental and pricing options!

How much are the additional services listed under each location?

When viewing a location from our locations page, if you click More Details, additional services will show. These services are provided by the mail center location directly, not iPostal1. 

You can also view pickup pricing for each location in this section as well

For direct pricing and further information on these additional services your mail center may provide, please contact your mail center directly. Your store contact information is located under Support Center>Contact Us. 

How to request a refund

For refund requests, please send a detailed email to and the team will reply within 1-3 business days. If your account has been cancelled within the first 30 days and has been unused, you are eligible for a refund.

Storage, Shipping and other service refunds will first need to be approved by the shipping center, and then iPostal1 will issue a refund.

Can my Scan/Shred bundle be refunded?

Scan/Shred bundle purchases are non-refundable. However, these credits do not expire and can be used across merged accounts.

Can my Phone/Fax credits be refund?

Phone/Fax credits are non-refundable. iPostal1 gives your $10 in Phone/Fax credits to start out with before you add more funds, if needed.

Can the rest of my annual subscription be refunded?

Yes! If you have an annual subscription and cancel prior to renewal, you can reach out to iPostal1 directly for a pro-rated refund for the remaining months of your subscription. 

We can be reached directly via email at, via live chat, or via phone at 845-579-5770.

Why do I need a 1583?

As per USPS postal regulations, the 1583 form is required in addition to the 1583-A (CMRA application). All mail centers must submit these forms and the corresponding IDs to their postmaster for approval prior to receiving/handling mail on behalf of their customers.

Where do I find the 1583 form?

You can find the blank 1583 form on this page! Under the heading, 'I'm ready to be an iPostal1 Partner,' there is a subheading, 'Forms' where you can click on 1583. This will open a new tab with the blank form. We have also attached it here for your convenience.

Blank 1583 form

What is a 1583?

USPS form 1583 is the Application for Delivery of Mail Through an Agent. It is not the same as the 1583-A form which is the Application to Act as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agent. The postal service requires both forms before approving you to receive and handle your customer's mail.

What do I do with the 1583?

Your postmaster will provide you with a signed copy of your 1583. This should be kept at your location and produced when required by the postal service.

Why do I need a credit card and what if I don't have one?

We require an active credit card to be listed on your account in order for your current month's invoice to be paid. We will charge you on the first of each calendar month based on your number of customers, shipping labels used, and a software usage fee. Any applicable taxes will also be included in that amount. Without a credit card, your location will not be activated for use.

How to ADD Another Store location

To add an additional iPostal1 Mailbox location in another store, please Click on the Add New Location Button in the Left Toolbar. 

2. Select your State location.  

3. Choose the City of your new store location.

4. Select the Address that is right for you by Clicking the Choose Button

Each location offers the following plan options: Virtual Mailing Address, Virtual Business Address, and Virtual Office.

5. Choose the Virtual Mailing Address that's right for you! Plan Pricing will be displayed at the bottom of your screen.

6. Choose the Plan that's right for you.

7. To finish, Click on the Add Location Button. Your new mailbox will be purchased with the primary credit card on file.

Go to your mailbox to receive an email confirmation to fill out the new USPS form 1583.

To view your locations, Click the Select Locations Button on the Left Toolbar.

How to CONSOLIDATE Mail into 1 package

To consolidate two or more mail items into one package, please select the desired mail items and Click on the Consolidate Button in the Top Toolbar

Your shipping store will combine all the selected mail items together into one package. When it is ready, you will receive an alert to log back in and choose your desired shipping option with the correct pricing.

Enter special instructions for your mail center in the text box. Then click the Consolidate Button. The cost for consolidation is $1.95 per package. Letters/Postcards are free.

To finish, Click Ok to submit your request. Your Mail Center will receive an alert to process your request and send you an email confirmation when completed. 

Please note: The new consolidated mail item ID will begin with the letter C.

After receiving your confirmation, log into your account and create a shipment for your consolidated mail item.

How to MOVE mail items into a folder

To move a mail item into a new folder, start by selecting an item from your inbox. Then Click on Move to Folder located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

Click on the dropdown menu to view your list of available folders.

Select your desired folder and then Click the Move Button.

The selected mail item has now been successfully moved to its new folder. You can navigate between folders by clicking on the folder name (i.e Inbox or Priority) as they appear on the Left Toolbar.

How to contact iPostal1 Customer Support

The iPostal1 Support Center is an excellent tool for learning more about our services and for contacting our Support Team. 

First, visit the Support Center by Clicking on Support Center in the Left Toolbar.

To Submit a Support Ticket, Click on Contact Us in the Left Toolbar to fill in the necessary information in the Contact Support box. And then, Click the Submit Button.

To Chat with a Live Agent, Visit the Chat box by Clicking on the blue Help Button.

When the Chat Support Box appears Click on Chat Support.

How to CANCEL My Request

To Cancel a Request. 1. Please select Open Requests from the Dropdown menu labeled Show: to view all your open requests.

2. Click Cancel Request on the item you wish to cancel.

3. Click Yes to continue.

4. Click OK to close the window.

How to MERGE Multiple Accounts into one username

To merge two accounts (combine two accounts under one username). First, Click the Mailbox Settings Button on the Left Toolbar.

Next, please Click on the underlined link labeled "Click Here" for Account Settings.

To finish, Click the Merge Accounts Button in the Account Features box on the right.

Please enter the Username and Password of the other account that you would like to merge with this current account. Then, Click on the Merge Accounts Button.

How to mark mail items as READ/UNREAD

To Mark a mail item as Read, please select an item of mail from your inbox and Click on Mark as read located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

To Mark a mail item as Unread, please select an item of mail from your inbox and Click on Mark as unread located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

How to DISCARD Mail I don't want

We understand that you may receive items in your inbox that you don't need. That's why discarding mail is free!

To discard mail, start by selecting the mail item(s) you wish to discard from your inbox. Then, Click on the Discard Button in the Top Toolbar.

Click Continue to submit your request.

To finish, click Ok to complete the process.

Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request and you will receive an email confirmation when it is completed! 

Important note: Discarding mail is a request to take the mail and place it in the regular trash or recycling. Once mail is discarded the image is erased from our system.

For important mail items, you may want to choose the mail Shredding option instead.

How to ORGANIZE your Inbox with Folders

To create a folder to organize your mail items, start by Clicking on a mail Item you want to put in a new folder. Then Click on Move to folder located above the list of mail items in your inbox.

2. Click on Add Folder.

Enter the NAME of your new folder and Click on the Add Folder Button.

You can see your new folder on the Left Toolbar under the Inbox menu. 

How to Schedule a PICK UP

You can pick up your mail in person at your Mail Center Address by making a Schedule Pick Up request from inside your inbox. Scheduling a pick up will ensure that your mail will be updated when you arrive (which prevents storage charges). 

To Schedule a Pick Up:

1. Select the mail item(s) from inside your inbox and Click on the Schedule Pick Up Button from the Top Toolbar.

2. Select an available pick up date by Clicking on the calendar Date Button.

3. Proceed to Choose a Time for your scheduled pick up.

Note: Even if you schedule your pick up for a specific time, you can arrive any time during business hours.

Your Mail Center will get an alert that you are coming in to pick up your mail. When you arrive, you will be asked to sign for your mail items, and you will be charged the pick up fee.

   4. To finish, scroll down and Click the Schedule Button to complete your order!

How to Request a BOX IMAGE of the Inside Contents of a Package

Box Images is a request to take a picture of the inside of a package. We will take a picture of the inside contents and/or Invoices.

To request a picture of the inside contents of your package, please select the package from your INBOX and then click on the Box Images button above.

Select whether you want an image of the box contents only ($3.95), an image of the enclosed invoice only ($2.95), or an image of both the contents and the invoice ($5.95). Include any special instructions in the text box provided and then click on Request Images below.

Your request has now been sent to your mail center for processing. Click Ok to complete the process and return to your INBOX.

How to SCAN the inside contents of your mail

To scan the inside contents of your mail, please select your mail item(s) and click on the SCAN button in the toolbar above. Scans of inside contents are $2.25 for the first 10 pages of each letter. Scan/Shred bundles are available for purchase at a discount in the top right corner of your screen.

Choose an option for what you want to do with the mail after the scan has been completed:

-Scan and Put Back in My Mailbox (Original mail will be saved until you choose to Ship, Pickup, Shred or Discard)

-Scan and Discard (Scan will be saved in your inbox, and original mail will be discarded)

-Scan and Shred (Scan will be saved in your inbox, and original mail will be shredded. Please note that shredding cannot be reversed once it is completed.)

Finally, scroll down and Click on Scan to submit your request!

The status of your mail item will be updated to read Scan Requested in your inbox immediately after you submit your request. 

When your order has been fulfilled, the status will read Scanned!

Your completed scan will be viewable as a PDF in your inbox. You can download your PDF, or forward it as an attachment.

How to DEPOSIT a Check

To start a Check Deposit, Please select the check from inside your inbox. The first step in Check Deposit is to request that the check be scanned. This is for security purposes. 

Once the check is scanned, you will be able to Click on the Check Deposit Button from the Top Toolbar.

Select your bank account information. To learn about how to add your bank account information to your iPostal1 account, please Click HERE.

Choose your preferred shipping method. All Checks will be mailed via a USPS trackable service. You can expect a Shipping cost plus a charge for check processing.

Enter the required check details below including: Bank name on Check, Account number on Check, Amount of Check, and Check Date. 

Lastly, Click on the Deposit Button to complete your order.

How to Create a SHIPment

To create a shipment for one item, select the item you want to ship and Click on the Ship Button in the Top Toolbar. 

The Ship option is only available for one item. (If you have multiple items you would like to ship, you can choose Consolidate & Ship, and all the mail will become one item with the correct weight and dimensions.)

Next, select a Shipping Address. If the address you want to ship to is displayed in the center dropdown, Click the Continue Button in the bottom right of the page.

OR, you can add a new address by Clicking on the +Add a New Address Button. Then, fill out the required information and Click on the Add Shipping Address Button when finished.

Please fill out the required information on the Services page. Then, enter any special instructions at the bottom of the page and Click on the Continue Button when finished. 

Next, select your shipping method. The mail will be sent out with the carrier of your choice. Then Click on the Continue Button when finished. 

Verify that all your information is correct, and Click Ship when finished. 

Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request!  

You will receive an email confirmation with the order details and tracking number when it is completed.

How to SHRED Mail items

To shred mail, please select the mail item(s) you wish to shred from your inbox and then Click the Shred Button in the Top Toolbar.

Click Continue.

Please Note: Shredding costs $2.25 per letter (This includes up to 10 pages). Discounted Scan/Shred Bundles can be purchased by Clicking on the underlined link - see red arrow.

To finish, Click on Ok to submit your request. 

Your Mail Center will get an alert to process your request, and you will receive an email confirmation when it is completed!

Once mail is shredded, it is no longer available to view. If you need to cancel a shredding request, please contact your mail center immediately!


To consolidate two or more mail items into one package, please select the desired mail items and Click on the Consolidate Button in the Top Toolbar.

Your shipping store will combine all the selected mail items together into one package. When it is ready, you will receive an alert to log back in and choose your desired shipping option with the correct pricing.

Enter special instructions for your mail center in the text box. Then click the Consolidate Button. The cost for consolidation is $1.95 per package. Letters/Postcards are free.

To finish, Click Ok to submit your request. Your Mail Center will receive an alert to process your request and send you an email confirmation when completed. 

Please note: The new consolidated mail item ID will begin with the letter C.

After receiving your confirmation, log into your account and create a shipment for your consolidated mail item.

How to add a bank account for check deposit

Important: Bank account information is for Check Deposit. We do not accept bank accounts as payments for the monthly subscription. 

To add a new Bank Account, go to your Inbox and Click on the Account Tab at the top right corner of the screen.

When the dropdown list appears, Click on Account Settings.

Next Click on Add Bank in the Check Deposit Setup box.

Then, Please Select a Bank from the drop down selection.

To Finish, enter the required information and Click the Add Bank Account Button!

How to cancel an account subscription

To cancel your account, first Click on Mailbox Settings on the Left Toolbar.

Then, scroll down to the bottom of the Mailbox Setting box and Click the Cancel Mailbox Button.

Before canceling your mailbox, please empty your inbox by recycling or shredding items you do not want and forwarding items you do want. Also, please ensure you have made copies of all uploaded documents, as they will be deleted when your account is canceled. 

After your mailbox is empty, come back to this page, and the Cancel Account button will be active.

To finalize the cancellation of your iPostal1 Digital Mailbox, Click Ok. You will then receive an email confirmation that your account has been cancelled. You will no longer be charged for your subscription. You have 90 days to re-activate your account if you would still need the same mailbox number. 

Of course, if you ever need a Digital Mailbox in the future, we will be happy to service your account again!

We will miss you!

How to view your iPostal1 Address

To view your iPostal1 Address, please Click on the Mailbox Settings Button on the Left Toolbar.

And view your Mailbox Address

How to edit your password

To edit your password, go to your Inbox and Click on the Account Tab at the top right corner of the screen.

When the dropdown list appears, Click on Account Settings.

Then, Click on the edit icon.

To update the password, fill in the required information about your current password and new password. Click the Reset Password Button to change your password!

How to set Automatic Shipping

The Autoship feature allows you to set the frequency with which all your mail items are automatically shipped to your shipping address on record. Please Note: Shipping rates will apply.

To enable the Autoship feature, please Click on Mailbox Settings on the Left Toolbar.

Note: The default setting is "No Autoship".

To choose an Autoship frequency, Click on the dropdown menu located under Autoship Options and make your selection (Weekly/Every Two Weeks/Monthly).

Then, Click on Ok.

Next, scroll down to the AUTOSHIP OPTIONS box and Click on the dropdown menus to select your desired International/Domestic Carrier settings. 

Note: You will need to make a selection for both, even if you are only shipping domestic.

To complete the process, select the day of the week you would like your items shipped and whether or not you would like to be notified each time a shipment is prepared.

How to Enable Auto-Scan Documents on the Desktop

The Autoscan feature will automatically scan all mail items inside your Inbox upon arrival. Important Note: The charge for scanning the inside contents of mail will apply when this feature is enabled. Please see our Scanning Prices and Bundles for more information.

To enable the Autoscan feature, Click on Mailbox Settings on the Left Toolbar.

Then, scroll down the bottom of the NOTIFICATIONS box. Next, click the toggle from "Off" to "On". This will enable the Auto-Scan feature. 

Autoscan is now enabled. Click Ok to complete the process.

How to Login

To login to your account from a computer, visit

Then, enter either your Username or Email address followed by your Password and Click on the Login Button. 

To login using the iPostal1 app, please open the app on your smartphone and the login page will appear.

How to upgrade your plan

To Upgrade your plan, Click the Mailbox Settings on the Left Toolbar.

Then click the Change Plan Button.

Scroll down to see all your options and Click on the Plan that's right for you.

To finish, scroll to review your plan selection and Click the Place Order Button on the bottom. Your primary credit card on file will be charged the updated rate for your new subscription.

How to contact iPostal1 Customer Support

The iPostal1 Support Center is an excellent tool for learning more about our services and for contacting our Support Team. 

First, visit the Support Center by Clicking on Support Center in the Left Toolbar.

To Submit a Support Ticket, Click on Contact Us in the Left Toolbar to fill in the necessary information in the Contact Support box. And then, Click the Submit Button.

To Chat with a Live Agent, Visit the Chat box by Clicking on the blue Help Button.

When the Chat Support Box appears Click on Chat Support.

Then, fill in your email address and begin the Chat. 

Live chat support is available Monday to Friday 9AM- 5PM ET.

How to contact my Mail Center

You can contact your Mail Center by logging into your Digital Mailbox and Clicking on the Support Center on the Left Toolbar.

Then, Click on the Contact Us, again in the Left Toolbar to view your Mail Center Contact Information. 

Why should you contact your Mail Center Directly? Your mail center receives your mail and packages on site. They will have all of the information for you on the topics below: 

- Mail/Package arrival status

- Shipping and Consolidating Packages

- Tracking information for incoming and outgoing packages

- Pickup Requests

How to write my new address

You can find your address in your welcome email. You will receive a street address and a mailbox number. It is important to list your full mailbox number to ensure your mail arrives to your inbox.

1. Go to your Inbox and Click on Select Locations to see how to write all your addresses.

My Notarized Form is not in my Account

In order to have your notarized 1583 form automatically added to your account is by following these steps. 

1) You requested an online notary session through the 1583 Assistant.

2) You received the automated email with a link to

3) You clicked on the link and proceeded through the notary process. 

If you followed this process and your form is not in your account, please contact a customer service agent to assist.

I already notarized but am still receiving notary emails

If you're still receiving emails to complete your online notary session and you have already notarized your form, it is likely that more than one notary session was requested multiple times.

Please send us a message through chat or email (by clicking this link) so we can resolve this for you!

What is the USPS Form 1583?

Form 1583 DOES:

  • Provide permission for mail to be received on behalf of the mailbox renter
  • Verify the identity of the mailbox renter
  • Require two acceptable IDs
  • Require a notary or agent signature 

Form 1583 DOES NOT:

  • Reroute mail from your home or business (This CAN be done through a separate 'Change of Address' Form at your local Post Office)
  • Share/publicize your new address with the world - it is up to you to share your address with the people who send you mail.

I need to notarize multiple 1583s for myself

If you have multiple addresses with iPostal1, you can create a single notary session that will allow you to notarize all 1583 documents in one meeting.

PRICE - applies to multiple forms in the same session:

  • First Form: $25 
  • Following Forms: $5 each

Please note:

- You will need to manually download  and then upload each notarized document to the correct iPostal1 account.

Proof Method: Online Notary

Step 1: Download all Form 1583s from each of your addresses

Step 2: Visit our landing page by clicking HERE and click 'START THE PROCESS' 

Step 3: Select the session type (depending on if you have a US social security number or not)

Step 4: Upload all 1583 Forms on the following page and proceed through the session

Step 5: After notarizing, you should download the files and then re-upload each form into the correct iPostal1 address, along with copies of both IDs used

You can also email us at

Why is my ONLY option the online notary?

The online notary is required when:

  1. You do not have a Social Security Number or
  2. You selected to ship mail internationally

You can update these selections on step 2 of the 1583 Assistant available on your account.

To make the changes:

1. Click on the notification bell in the top right corner of your account. 

 2. Click through Step 2 to ensure your answers match the below(if applicable) - in order to be provided with the option to notarize locally.

3. Step 6 will show your updated options for notarization.

Step by Step Instructions (1583 Assistant)

See below for each step of the 1583 Assistant (located in your account):







I need to contact the Online Notary

If you're experiencing technical issues while attempting to notarize your document, we recommend connecting with the session provider for further assistance.

Here is the contact information for the online notary:

Chat: Available on their website

Phone: 1-888-270-9401


I never received an email for the online notary

If you requested the online notary option, but did not receive an email with instructions:

  1. Check your Spam folder.
  2. In the 1583 Assistant, click on Resend Notarization Request

        3.  Please check your email's inbox for an email containing the following:
Subject: iPostal1 - Online Notary [ACTION REQUIRED]

What is needed to notarize my document online?

To have your 1583 signed by the online notary, you will need the following:

1. Two Acceptable IDs from list below

2. A credit card for the notarization payment ($25 per document)

3. Mobile phone or computer with strong internet connection and access to video and microphone.

Which IDs can be used for the Form 1583?

Acceptable IDs are selected by the United States Post Office


    • ONE PHOTO ID - must include a photograph of the recipient
    • ONE ADDRESS ID - must include an address, that matches the Form 1583

*IDs should be valid, un-expired and clearly legible. 


  • You are required to notarize through our online notary


  • You are required to notarize through our online notary
  • Your PHOTO ID must be a Passport

I don't have a social security #, but I am being asked to enter one in the Online Notary

If you are being asked to enter a social security number when notarizing online, and you do not have a SSN, it is likely because the incorrect option was selected on Step 2 in the Form 1583 Assistant.

To fix this issue:

1. Click on the Notification bell in the upper right corner of your mailbox to go back into the Form 1583 Assistant.

2. Click back to Step 2 

3. [On step 2] CHANGE the answer to question 3 from YES to NO

4. Click through the Assistant and on Step 6 request a NEW online notary session.

5. You will receive a NEW email from the online notary.  Wait for the email with Subject:
iPostal1 - Online Notary [ACTION REQUIRED]

Please note: Ensure you click the link on the new email sent, to access the online notary, as the old email will still prompt you for a SS#.

I need to edit my 1583 form

You can edit your 1583 form through the 1583 Assistant which is located in your account.

To make edits:

1. Click on the notification bell in the top right corner of your account. 

2. Select click here (second option in the image below) on your 1583 Assistant that will bring you back to make changes.

3. Make edits as needed

4. Select an option on Step 6 to notarize your updated form.


To get a shipping quote for shipping multiple packages together, please select two or more mail items and Click on the Consolidate Button in the Top Toolbar

Your shipping store will combine all the selected mail items into one package. You will receive an alert when it is ready, so you can log back in and choose your desired shipping option with the correct pricing.

Enter special instructions for your mail center in the text box. Then Click the Consolidate Button. The cost for consolidation is $1.95 per package. Letters/Postcards are free.

To finish, Click Ok to submit your request. Your Mail Center will receive an alert to process your request and send you an email confirmation when completed.

Please note: The new consolidated mail item ID will begin with the letter C.

After receiving your confirmation, log into your account and create a shipment for your consolidated mail item.


The Autoship feature allows you to set the frequency with which all your mail items are automatically shipped to your shipping address on record. Please Note: Shipping rates will apply.

To enable the Autoship feature, please Click on Mailbox Settings on the Left Toolbar.

Note: The default setting is "No Autoship".

To choose an Autoship frequency, please Click on the dropdown menu located under Autoship Options and make your selection (Weekly/Every Two Weeks/Monthly).

Then, Click on Ok.

Next, scroll down to the AUTOSHIP OPTIONS box and Click on the dropdown menus to select your desired International/Domestic Carrier settings. 

Note: You will need to make a selection for both, even if you are only shipping domestic.

To complete the process, please select the day of the week you would like your items shipped and whether or not you would like to be notified each time a shipment is prepared.

What is the turnaround time for shipments

Turnaround times are based on the carrier and timeline that you choose. We offer many levels of shipping services from regular USPS mail to Overnight Priority from UPS.

How to find information for PENDING mail or a shipment

Each account address receives the mail that arrives at that designated location. If you have specific questions about your mail or packages, reaching out to the mail center operator would be your best bet!

You can find the store contact information by first clicking on Support Center on the left side of your screen to expand the menu of options.

Next, click on Contact Us. On the Contact Us page, you can find your mail center Contact Information (Phone Number, Email...).


To get a shipping quote for a single package, please select the desired mail item and click on Ship.

Next, select a shipping address for your package and click Continue.

Select your desired optional services and include any special instructions in the text box provided. Then click Continue.

Choose your shipping method from the table of options below. Note that an Estimated Transit Time and an Estimate cost is provided for each Carrier and Shipping Service provided.

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